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Church College Ministry

College Ministry FBC would like to ensure that college-age adults (ages 18-24), including students from Baylor, MCC, and TSTC, have a church family at this critical period in their lives by providing them with opportunities to serve in their local church.

Author:Bernard HorneApr 17, 2022
College MinistryFBC would like to ensure that college-age adults (ages 18-24), including students from Baylor, MCC, and TSTC, have a churchfamily at this critical period in their lives by providing them with opportunities to serve in their local church.

What Is A College Ministry?

College is a time to look for deeper meaning in everyday happenings, to look beyond their surface-level significance. Campus college ministryurges students to carve out some time for themselves to reflect on their lives. Retreats, days of remembrance, spiritual direction/counseling, and religious worship are all examples of events and experiences that can help students on their journey of discovery.

College Ministry Mission

FBC's missionis to care for and create spiritually healthy college and graduate students who are deeply fulfilled in their relationship with God. As students grow in their love for God, FBC wants to equip them to take part in God's great commission of making disciples of all peoples around the world.
A group of people enjoying a party
A group of people enjoying a party

College Small Group

College Small-group Biblestudy can help you connect more directly with Scripturethan you would if you were just reading it on your own. Inquiring about the meaning of passages from the Biblefrom others might provide you with new ideas for how to apply the Word to your life.
A great example of students ministering to one another is the formation of small groups, which can be led by a mentor or by a fellow student. As you build long-lasting friendships, groups like this can make all the difference in helping you feel like you have a feeling of belonging and purpose in life. Their goal at FBC is to assist students in forming small groups, whether in person or online through video conferencing tools such as Zoom.
College Small Group meets on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the library. They usually begin with a few praise songs, followed by a brief lesson, followed by snacks, and camaraderie. For further information on the location, directions, and other specifics, contact the College Leader.
The goal is to assist ministries on college campuses in their efforts to evangelize, disciple, and mobilize students, while also connecting them to the local church.
They work with churches that have adesire for ministering to college studentson their local campus as well as those in their pews and they are here to help them.

FBC College Ministry Essentials

They desire to see every college campus engaged and every college student touched with the teachings of God through the planting of new churches and new ministries. They are committed to seeing this happen.
College ministry leaders are championed by them! If you are in charge of a college ministry, they would want to serve as a resource for you.
They aim to play a role in bringing the revelation to every student on every college and university campus in the United States and abroad.
They provide materials for churches and ministries that want to do a good job of discipling students.
They assist you in mobilizing students to make a difference in North Americaand the rest of the globe for Christ.
A group of people sitting on the grass
A group of people sitting on the grass

International Student Ministry On The Planet Earth

They are attempting to welcome, evangelize, disciple, and commission the international students who come to us from all over the world to the Lord. In order to link college students to God, some campus clubs, church groups, and campus churches are working together to minister to them. This is the mission statement of Fbc to lead college students and other members of the academic community to faithin God, to develop them as disciples and leaders, and to connect them to the life and mission of the church.

Kairos Christian Church - College Ministry

College Ministry Education And Training

For those who feel called to ministry as a career or semi-professional vocation, college student ministry can serve as a preparation for this future, of course.
Christian universities usually provide a plethora of chances for students to get appropriate work experience. Here are a couple of illustrations of college ministry ideas.

Teams Of Ministers On The Move

Summer service programs provide you with an opportunity to get away from campus, often by traveling to other cities and donating your time and talents to help churches, youthgroups, and other organis]zations.
It is possible that you will be involved in leading worship, teaching Sunday school, delivering community assistance for people in need, and other activitiesas a member of a visiting ministry team.

Mission Trips To Other Countries

If traveling abroad to undertake the regional ministry, you will have many of the same possibilities as you would have while traveling on the road, with the added bonus of being immersed in a different culture.
These are excellent experiences that you should take advantage of if you have an interest in international missions or ministering in an environment that you are unfamiliar with.

Ministry Training At FBC

FUSIONis the name they have given to their short-term overseas mission program. Traveling to different nations allows their students to engage with God's work in the globe on a global scale, regardless of cultural or linguistic differences.
Closer to home, every summer, FBC sends out various ministry teams to engage in camps, church services, and youth groups throughout the region.


All of the students who work in the college ministry are employed by the same department that oversees the provision of other spiritual living options, such as worship arts and service-learning opportunities. The same amount of time and effort is put into your spiritual well-being as they are into your physical, emotional, and social well-being.
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Bernard Horne

Bernard Horne

In this signature of the father, Jesus, and the holy spirit. Exploring how God’s Word challenges us to live 100% according to His will so that we can come to a life of victory!
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