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What Is The Need Of Men's Ministry In Churches?

The growth of men in their duties at home, in church, and in society, as well the formation of relationships that drive one another on to greater godliness, are all encouraged by the Men's Ministry.

Author:Bernard HorneApr 17, 2022
The growth of menin their duties at home, in church, and in society, as well the formation of relationships that drive one another on to greater godliness, are all encouraged by the Men's Ministry. FBC is seeing an increase in the number of guys who are getting together on a regular basis to have one-on-one discipling relationships that are promoting spiritual growth.
Four men praying with their hands on each others' shoulders
Four men praying with their hands on each others' shoulders

What Is The Purpose Of Men's Ministry?

The goal of a men's ministry is to create disciples of the men with whom you come into contact. However, this also means training and equipping males in your ministry to accomplish the same thing as well. As an example, you may organize missiontrips or ministry events that make use of the talents and experience of the guys who are already involved in your ministry.
See how the churchhas failed males in the family, church, and sphere of influence. Worse, the Church has generally neglected the issue. Men's ministry programsare often joked about in churches, aside from a golf trip, pancake breakfast, or a random group of four guys who get together at Cracker Barrel on Thursday mornings.
Everyone wins when the church raises men. Likewise, empowering women and childrenbenefits the whole family and society through women's ministry and children's ministries.

What Can Your Church And Men's Ministry Do About It?

LifeTransformation Over Program Attendance
This issue spans men's ministry, yet it is intense in this case. Men's ministry is rare in most churches. A lack of engagement fosters the myth that males don't want to be involved in the church. You would change your techniques in discipling men if the church focused on outcomes rather than programs.
Men Mentoring
In the church, elder men do not mentor (or disciple) younger men. From youngmen not asking for mentorship to older guys not believing they are qualified to guide. Undeniably, the Biblical model for discipleship is one of mentorship. Moreover, the elder, more mature believer must initiate mentorship.
A spiritual mentor does not have to be a Biblescholar, a preacher, or a saint. For the church to thrive, it requires men who have been in the trenches with scars and experience. And, contrary to popular belief, younger men are open to intergenerational friendships. Remember, millennials are in their late 20s to late 30s. Young professionals, many of whom grew up fatherless, are entering their prime. Invest in mentorship now and get the benefits for generations to come.
Embrace a Culture of Admit
Most North American men battle with p***ography now or have in the past. There are few places where guys can openly share their issues without fear of being judged or excommunicated. Many Christianmen try to solve these problems alone, which causes more problems. Some guys struggle with addiction, rage, or another sin.
Most churches fail to foster a culture where men can freely confess sin and be gently rehabilitated. The Biblesays that confession brings healing. Confession should lead to restoration and healing. Confession is often followed by solitude and criticism. This can't last. Do we want males to grow up, deal with the repercussions, and be healed? So the church must be a safe location for developing relationships.
Men and Fathers, not Masculinity, in Biblical Manhood
Some congregations aim to start a men's ministry. Sports, camping, and other stamina-boosting activitiesare usually the focus. Men don't want an ax-throwing celebration planned for them. You can help them become better fathers, husbands, and leaders in your community. Instead of being cool, your church should help guys mature. Men aren't easy to convert. Opt instead to be open and honest about men's issues while offering answers and relationships that can help them.
Aid Fatherless Boys
A fatherless childhood affects millions of children in North America. Some have a positive relationship with their fathers. But many have little or no contact with their fathers. So many young boys grow up not knowing what a healthy guy looks like. A defunct society's awful portrayals of manhood are on television, the internet, and pop culture.
A boy with his hands lifted up in a church prayer
A boy with his hands lifted up in a church prayer

FBC's Men's Ministry

FBC provides Wednesday night Bible classesfor men, as well as opportunities for men to team up with other men to disciple their pre-adolescent boys.
Fellowship Bible Churchhosts a Man to Man meetingon Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. In Room 101, every Wednesday at 6:45 pm, a men's Bible study group gathers to discuss God's Word with other guys. A series named The Lifeof Christis being studied by this group.
Men's Monday Night Basketballis a weekly event. Do you enjoy shooting hoops? Bring your friends and family to the church gym on specified Monday nights from 8 to 10 p.m. to play basketball and enjoy some friendly competition.
Discipleship from Life to Life
FBC is seeing an increase in the number of guys who are getting together on a regular basis to have one-on-one discipling relationships that are promoting spiritual growth.
Men's Retreat in the Woods
One of the highlights of the year is our annual men's retreat, which provides an opportunity to be refreshed in their faithand reinvigorated in their desire to honor God in every area of their personal and professional life.
Backpacking in the Big Bend National Park
A backpacking trek through Big Bend National Park is a tradition for the Men of Fellowship. Non-stop fellowship with other men, as well as time, spent away from the city and in God's creation for scripturestudy, prayer, and self-reflection are all highlights of this event. Some preparation is essential for the trip due to the physically demanding nature of the journey.


Your religion can be a fatherless boy's best friend. Men, get involved in kids ministry. Student ministry volunteers should try to be positive role models for a child in need. And having several great male role models in men's ministry would be a huge gain for any young man. By bridging the gap now, you may have a long-term impact on a young man's future children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
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Bernard Horne

Bernard Horne

In this signature of the father, Jesus, and the holy spirit. Exploring how God’s Word challenges us to live 100% according to His will so that we can come to a life of victory!
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